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Press on Hurried Steps

Emele Ugavule & Nicolette Kay_edited.jpg

Sydney Morning Herald Review

​"The stories from nations including Belgium, Jordan, Britain, Nigeria, Mexico and Italy have been inspired by real Amnesty cases or news reports and reflect the prevalence of abuse across all boundaries.

Hurried Steps is now being brought to Australia, premiering on White Ribbon Day,

complete with a new Australian story focusing on female genital mutilation."

Emma Dennis-Edwards©MatthewAndrews2011_edited.jpg

Review by a member of the Phoenix Group Westminster London

"The epilogue got to me, my eyes started to blur with a few gentle tears-tears of

despair, as I personally reached out to all peoples, of all nations who are hurting,

today, right now, through no fault of their own."

Anthony Ofoegbu©Jack Ladenburg2_edited.jpg

Blanche Marvin review

"It’s BEAUTIFUL work from the Finborough, the actors, director and designers"

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