HURRIED STEPS is a hard hitting, powerful text written by Dacia Maraini and translated by Sharon Wood.
Written by Dacia Maraini to support stop violence against women and girls campaigns, the hour long play stimulates a discussion between a panel of experts and the audience to probe the reasons behind worldwide violence against women & girls.
"It gives you an international insight into the whole issue" - Audience feedback, Sydney
Hurried Steps by Dacia Maraini
by Dacia Maraini
translated by Sharon Wood.​
An uncomprimising & powerful play written to raise awareness of violence against women and girls, written by Italy's foremost feminist playwright
Audience feedback, Sydney: "It gives you an international insight into the whole issue"
Written by Dacia Maraini to launch Amnesty International Stop Violence Against Women and Girls campaign in Italy.
HURRIED STEPS stories are based on experiences of real women from Belgium, Italy, Jordan, UK, Mexico , Nigeria, Tibet, Australia and Albania. A selection of stories are performed in a simple stark way, by five actors

Emma Dennis-Edwards © Matthew Andrews

Eugenia Caruso © Matthew Andrews

Priya Bhamrah © Matthew Andrews

Emma Dennis-Edwards © Matthew Andrews
Hurried Steps questions and challenges gender-based violence. The simple, powerful production is devised to stimulate a discussion between the audience and a panel. Panel members are from local and International organisations that support abused women.
When New Shoes Theatre produces the play to make the play accessible to everyone - there is a lo to no ticket charge. Therefore the production depends on funding and donations because New Shoes Theatre pays the artists.
Dacia Maraini donates her Royalties to Women's Refuges in Italy.
There is a full list of the panel organisations that have collaborated and supported our many presentations of Hurried Steps with New Shoes Theatre here.
The play has been produced by New Shoes Theatre, across the UK, to support events such as the UN Women's Campaign - 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, White Ribbon Day, International Women's Day, Domestic Violence Awareness Week and Anti-Slavery Day. It is suitable for Age 15 yrs upwards.
The latest Kubra story is about FGM (female genital mutilation). It was premiered in Sydney by New Shoes Theatre in collaboration with Olivia Brown and supported through the British Artists International Development Fund. The original UK text was first produced in Association with the Finborough Theatre, London.
There is always a collection for local women's services that are represented by panel members. Click here to read audience feedback.